logo : Dynacaps 2023

Dynamics of Capsules, Vesicles and Cells in Flow

DynaCapslogo CNRS


The Symposium will take place on UTC Research Campus, located about 3 km from the city centre. It will be held in the building ‘Centre Innovation’.

From the railway station and many other locations downtown, take bus numbers 2 or 5 (bus stop ‘Guy Denielou’). Buses are free of charge in Compiègne. There is also the possibility to take a cab.

Name of two taxi companies from Compiègne, which can organize your travel in and to Compiègne:


Phone: +33 (0)6 07 54 02 27

Email: taxilecomtecompiegne@gmail.com


Phone: +33 (0)6 50 66 51 50

Email: Toptaxi@laposte.net